Ever had an embarrassing experience that a little restringing tool might have saved you from? Unfortunately, I had my own recently, and it definitely motivated me to finally research what products were out there that could show me how to fix my drawstring. Forget all those drawstring threader methods you might read about on the internet—safety pins and wire hangers have other more practical purposes that don’t test your patience.
It was one of those days that I just didn’t feel like going to my workout class, but I forced myself anyway. Too little sleep made me pretty groggy when I woke up, so when I threw on my favorite sweatpants in a hurry, I didn’t notice that the drawstring has disappeared, probably in the mysterious land where missing socks travel to. So I didn’t even know that a little sweatpants drawstring restringing needed to happen!
Traffic was, of course, horrendous since I live in Los Angeles. I got off the 405 and barely made it to the parking lot. Late, of course. I raced out of the car and into my class. I didn’t even realize that my pants had fallen to the ground and were now around my ankles when I walked in the door! My need for restringing was apparent to everyone who was warming up inside the studio.
Every single person stared at me, and all of a sudden, as I felt the draft of air hitting my unclothed legs, I remembered that I had realized the drawstring of my pants was missing when I did laundry the week before. My lack of sleep affected my memory and I completely forgot about the incident. So now, here I was, wishing that I’d taken the time to get my sweatpants drawstring restringing on.
As I pulled my pants up and ran out of that workout studio forever, I made a promise to myself that I’d research drawstring threader methods and find the best one out there so that I’d never have to experience anything like this again. That’s when I came upon Re-string It! It’s a life saver, a time saver and a money saver—I’ll never again leave home without it.
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