great inventions

great inventions

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Drawstring Re-Stringing Made Easy!

If you've ever done a load of laundry and discovered afterwards that the string of your favorite hoodie has come out, then you know just how frustrating it is trying to get it back in place. In fact, some articles of clothing may even become useless or unwearable without the drawstring.

You see, it's not only hoodie drawstring replacement that's a pain in the butt, it goes a lot deeper. Sweatpants, shorts, jackets, bathing suits - basically anything with a string can become victim to this annoyance.

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has gone so far as to throw away a piece of clothing because of this! It used to be that there was really know way to repair your clothes if this happened, but not anymore.

We've designed an amazing drawstring threader that does it's job in just seconds. Perhaps the best part though, about our drawstring replacement tool is that you can use it on EVERY type of drawstring. Whether it's cotton or silk, we can rethread it without damaging the string or the rest of the item.

Check it out on amazon or and you won't be disappointed.

There are many great inventions out there, but I think you can agree that this might just be the best... ever!

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